How Much Do Cat Vaccinations Cost?
Coughing, sneezing, puking, diarrhea, or even death, are all things cat owners want to keep their cat from experiencing. Diseases can cause these things and luckily, we have a way to avoid them. Vaccines contain a killed or weakened organism that stimulates the production of antibodies against the organism that could cause severe damage or even death in your pet. Just as human being needs vaccinations, so do cats. But how much do cat vaccinations cost?
In this article, we’ll cover the following;
- What vaccines are available for cats?
- How much cat vaccinations cost
- What are the effects of vaccines on your cat?
What Vaccines are Available for Cats?
Rabies, FVRCP, and FeLV vaccines are the most commonly used vaccines for cats. Rabies vaccines are a mandatory vaccine to keep your cat legally as a pet. It lasts for three years after immunization. Your cat’s first rabies shot should be given at 16 weeks old.
The FVRCP and the FeLV vaccines contain multiple weakened or killed organisms in order to provide protection from a number of diseases and is first given at 6 weeks. The FVRCP vaccine is used against the viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia virus. I know those likely sound like the names of dinosaurs for most of you, so let me explain what each virus is more simply:
Rhinotracheitis is an infectious virus that causes upper respiratory disease and inflammation in the eyes. If infected, your cat may also exhibit excessive blinking, discharge from eyes and nose, and sneezing. This disease is diagnosed by identifying the feline herpesvirus in the blood and/or by assessing tear production.
Calicivirus is another infectious virus that causes respiratory problems. Symptoms include those like rhinotracheitis but your cat may also exhibit depression and have a poor appetite. It may also lead to mouth ulcers, pneumonia, and lameness.
Panleukopenia is (once again) an infectious virus that is caused by feline parvovirus. If the virus is just starting out, you may notice depression in your cat. Other signs are vomiting, nasal discharge, fever, dehydration, and diarrhea.
The FeLV vaccine produces antibodies against the Feline Leukemia Virus. This virus (at the moment) is the leading cause of death in cats. The symptom that is unique to this virus is the anemia and/or lymphoma that is developed during infection.
These diseases are easily spread through contact with other infected cats and their urine, feces, hair, and other discharges. The best way to avoid contracting these diseases is limiting the contact your kitty has with other cats and areas where cats are often found.
Indoor-only cats are the least likely to contract these diseases but the larger the number of cats in the house, the greater the risk.
Here’s a video with some more vaccine about which vaccines your cat needs:
How Much do Cat Vaccinations Cost?
Cat vaccinations can be administered either at home or in a veterinarian clinic. It should only be given to your cat at home if you know exactly how to give the shot subcutaneously, but it does not decrease the cost of the shot.
Not as cheap as a bowl for their food or a collar for their necks, most places charge between $40 to$60 for the FVRCP with the FeLV vaccine. The Rabies vaccine is not as expensive ranging between $20 to $30 dollars per shot.
What are the Effects of Vaccines in Your Cat
When you bring your kitty in for his or her vaccines, the veterinarian probably says the same thing every time you are about to leave:
“Your cat may favor that leg, it may be sore and s/he may be sleepy for the rest of the day. There may also be a bump where we injected the vaccine.”
The bump on your cat is caused by the injection of the vaccine. It takes a while for the liquid to disperse throughout the body and stays in the injected area for a bit.
So, How Much do Cat Vaccines Cost?
Next time you go to the veterinarian and you watch your cat struggle to escape the needle, just know that your baby needs it. The cost of the shot may be mildly expensive but the cost of nurturing your sick baby back to health would be even more so.
When you visit the veterinarian to get vaccines, you can assume that you’ll spend around $100-$150 per visit with all costs considered. Vaccines are a good way to prevent your kitty from contracting diseases and is an even better way of avoiding high medical bills.
Something else you may be wondering is how cats regulate their body temperature.